Wednesday, February 18, 2009

South African bands suck?

" want ons is Proudly South African

luister Koos Kombuis

op 'n ou draadloos

in 'n sinkdakhuis.

Amanzi van die dorp

en Sasko Sam

leer ek die kinders bedel

in 'n traffic jam"

Melktert Kommisie

The lyrics of this Melktert Kommisie song is so purely South African that it is something each and every South African citizen can relate to on a day to day basis. Not only is it a catchy song, but it represents what we, as South Africans are and our way of life; this being the reason why I dissagree with the statement that South African bands suck.

When it comes to the South African music industry it is fair to call me Proudly South African. The reason why I am so supportive is because I really feel South African bands and music is something special. They sing about things we know of and where the rest of the world is trying to fit in, to me it feels as if South African musicians are trying to be different, to be daring, which makes them much more interesting to me. Bands such as F-off Polisiekar, although I am not a big fan of all of their lyrics, I love their sound. It is something completely different from what we hear everyday. But it is not only them, Parlotones, Freshly Ground, Melktertkommisie, Prime Circle, Arno Carstens, Louise Carver and many more also stands out.

These bands don't just stand out in South Africa, but abroad as well, which means they must be doing something right. Just look at the success Seether have made overseas. Whilst I am saying this I should also mention that I am not a fan of ALL South African music. A lot of South Africans, especially in the Afrikaans nation, tend to produce CD's just for the hell of it. It is people like these who make a mockery of the South African music industry. Just because you are able to keep a tune does not mean you are good enough or have that something special to make you a great singer. If more people would realise this, I think the South African music industry would be taken much more seriously and more people would realise that South African bands are great and does indeed not suck!

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